(Entire Sanctification, Perfect Love)

Creating a Missional Life


You are here  (Centering in Christ) if you:

  1. Are completely filled with the love of God
  2. Are setting your mind on things above, not on things of this earth
  3. Are loving others in the way we have been loved by God
  4. Are making disciples of Christ
  5. Are continually led by the Spirit of God
  6. Recognize your life is part of God’s transformation of the world
  7. Are abounding in the fruit of the Spirit
  8. Are deeply grounded in the Word of God


CENTERING in Christ Entire sanctification can be described as a life so saturated in love that all our thoughts and actions are overflow from love.  According to Wesley, Christian perfection, as it is often referred, is not perfection in knowledge or freedom from temptation but more like living in cooperation with the Holy Spirit.



Hear the Word

  • Participate in WORSHIP (Traditional Worship, FaithLink, or Palabra Viva) on a regular basis
  • Participate in SMALL GROUP (Sunday School, Women's Circles, Men's Groups, Home Groups) on a regular basis
  • Participate in Bible Study (short-term or long-term)
  • Read classics and other works written by Henri Nouwen, C.S. Lewis, N.T. Wright, E. Stanley Jones, Richard Foster, etc.



Open your Heart

  • Commit to the discipline of fasting at least once a month
  • Participate in Wesleyan Discipleship Band/Class meeting or Reunion group
  • Disciple/mentor a new believer or new member


Love like Christ

  • Apply for leadership/serve on a 3-day renewal experience
  • Commit to active participation WITH the people (Local/Global)
  • Use your gifts to lead in ministry
  • Commit to give financially to other ministries beyond the local church tithe (i.e. partnership in Local/Global Ministries)


Yield to the Spirit (In All Things)

  • Sponsor someone to attend a 3-day spiritual renewal experience
  • Live out faith in an authentic and organic way with those you come in contact with daily
  • Make disciple-making disciples of Jesus
  • Pray without ceasing