"But as for me, I am filled with power— with the Spirit of the Lord." (Micah 3:8)
Gracious God, we are amazed at Your incredible love that has embraced us and embraces all the brokenness and alienation of the world around us. We love You, and we trust You. Take our lives and shape them as You will. Open our eyes to the daily reality of Your guidance through the Holy Spirit. And we are aware that our power cannot bring the transformation, the change, or the fruit, that You intend to bring into our Judea, the neighbors and friends who surround us. So, we invite You, Holy Spirit, to empower us. Take away our fears of what it means to submit our lives to You. Take away our small expectations of what You can do through us. Open our eyes to needs and opportunities we’ve never seen before. Give us boldness in place of our timidity. Exalt the name of Jesus in us and through us, and by Your mighty, sovereign hand, move people toward Christ, because it’s in His name that we pray. Amen.