texas street singers

If you qualify for an AARP membership, then you are qualified to be in this choir! Led by Dr. Will Andress, this lively group enjoys weekly fellowship, singing, and lunch together. They perform a diverse repertoire, featuring everything from Elvis to Mendelssohn to Mamma Mia and a few things in between! Throughout the year, the choir participates in select Traditional worship services and musical events at FMC, as well as uplifting spirits in nursing homes and senior living facilities throughout the SBC area. Rehearsals take place on Thursdays from 11 AM to 12 PM in the Choir Room behind the sanctuary, followed by an optional lunch gathering. Come join the fun!

Contact wandress@firstshreveport.com

Recent events

Our Texas Street Singers recently sang for residents at The Glen, and other senior centers bringing them Christmas Cheer. The group will be open for new members on Thursday, January 9th, 10:30 AM for refreshments and singing at 11:00. The Singers are open to anyone qualifying for AARP discounts and can “carry a tune.”