Basic Necessities – assist in distribution center and warehouse
Caddo Council on Aging – assist with senior meal delivery
Christian Service – Sort and prep clothing donations; prepare and serve meals, two served 7 days a week
Common Ground – prepare, distribute, clean after Thursday night meal; tutor students at Atkins Elementary; tutor middle and high school boys in Youth Program; Mommy and Me volunteers to work with mothers and children in the program; assist with special events; on going needs in maintenance, pantry/food drives, school supply/snack donations, admin support, librarian assistance
Community Renewal International – Friendship House programming; elementary math tutors
Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse of NLA – activities and service projects at facilities, like sports or arts; special events for holidays or graduations; minor repairs and gardening
Food Bank of NWLA – Donate food; pack food boxes; serve at food pantry
Fuller Center for Housing NLA – volunteer on build sites, both skilled and unskilled labor needed; provide meals for volunteers; work in the warehouse and thrift shop; board member
Gingerbread House – In Kind donations like busy bags or books/toys; Adopt-a-Family program; Luncheon and fundraising committee; board of directors and committee positions
Goodwill – reentry coalition assisting those coming out of incarceration; donations; tutoring HiSET students; provide mentoring for youth transitions program
Highland Center Ministries – Thursday Highland Blessing dinner servers and table hosts; clothing closet and thrift shop workers; seasonal event volunteers; volunteer tax preparers
Holy Angels – provide soft skills, leadership, medical support training; grief support; tour facilities; Angel Buddies to residents
Hope Connections – monthly meals for Safe Haven residents; group projects like painting or deep cleaning; donation drives
Holy Cross Hope House – meals and snacks for clients; clothing and toiletry donations
Martin Luther King Community Development Corporation – Senior citizen events; after school and summer tutoring; Thanksgiving and Christmas meal delivery
Martin Luther King Community Development Corporation – Senior citizen events; after school and summer tutoring; Thanksgiving and Christmas meal delivery; community cleanups
MLK Health Center and Pharmacy – medical volunteers; wellness education; gardening; exercise leaders; medication sorter; officer greeter and worker; facility maintenance; health screening events
Mary’s House Pregnancy Care Center – receptionist, general volunteer; make baby blankets with FMC Novice Knitters; host Embrace Grace group, mentoring mothers needing support; host baby showers for Embrace Grace groups
The Philadelphia Center – yard work; meal donations; pet grooming
Praise Academy at Lakeside – reading buddies; musicians and artists to teach students; workshop training like car repair or woodworking; coaching in all sports
Project Celebration – donate meals; supply items for shelter needs; Christmas and Thanksgiving meal preparation
Providence House – volunteer at Child Development Center; Youth Advisory Council; provide or serve meals; maintenance to building and grounds; sponsor children’s activities for birthdays or holidays; donation center; tutor children or HiSET students; babysit children during adult events; share the vision with the community; special projects not supported by operating budget
Renesting Project – sort, test, clean, pack, and prepare donations; pull donations for clients
Renzi Education and Art Center – teaching assistants; volunteers for planting spring and fall gardens
St. Luke’s Episcopal Mobile Medical Ministry – assistants with clinics and health fairs, especially Hispanic specific clinics needing interpreters
Shreveport Bar Foundation – paralegals and attorneys to donate time
Shreveport Bossier Rescue Mission – serve meals; on-site volunteers; donations through Amazon Wish List; pray for our guests and staff!
Shreveport Green – MLK Community Garden volunteers; Urban Farm volunteers; Install new beds, picnic tables, etc.; mobile markets; household hazardous waste collection; Great American Cleanup
Shreveport Volunteer Network – assist in warehouse; attend training; respond to disaster relief efforts
Social Therapy Project – participate in Community Mental Wellness Fair, provide “Be Blessed Bags”
Supermen for Christ – weekly community feeding; teach life skills and Bible studies
The Arc Caddo Bossier – Read Across America volunteers
The Bridge Alzheimer’s and Dementia Resource Center – facilitator for caregiver support group (FMC hosts one monthly on our campus.)
The Hub: urban ministries – attend Equip Training; share/serve a Lovewell meal; mentor or teach classes; attend outreach; jail and stripped volunteers and mentors; teaching biblical, recovery, creative, and exercise classes to Purchased Not for Sale participants; mentoring in Purchased; Reclaimed Juvenile Program mentors
3:18 Church – join for worship services at The Hub/Lovewell on 605 Cotton
Volunteers for Youth Justice – mentors; CASA Advocates; TBRI Advocates; participate in Battle of the Gumbo Gladiators fundraiser
Volunteers of America – Tutoring and other services for Bayou Grande, CIS, and LightHouse students
Woody’s Home for Veterans – special projects and field trips for residents; meals for residents
YWCA of Northwest Louisiana – offer workshops for teens and women on variety of topics from health to professional development; Fab Finds resale shop workers