global missions

Our vision as a Global Mission Ministry Team is to come alongside leaders all over the world who are making a difference in the lives of their communities and empower them to live into their calling to make disciples. FMC partners with missionaries and leaders in seven countries: Haiti, Costa Rica, Uganda, Russia, Romania, Czech Republic, and New Zealand. Our global missions team travels annually to each location to uplift our partners in ministry and to support their callings.


Vicki Sullivan


phone: 318.424.7771

recent events

Abiding with our mission partners is one of the ways we serve them, as together we serve His kingdom. Here are our Global Mission partners.

Stefania & Vicki

Abiding with our mission partners is one of the ways we serve them, as together we serve His kingdom. In late October, I visited Bucharest, Romania and discovered magnificent weather for lunch with our sister Stefania Alexandrescu.

Jessica & Vicki

Our hometown missionary Jessica Weaver serves TeachBeyond in Prague, Czech Republic. I was blessed to be able to visit her in November, and saw firsthand the Kingdom work that's being done in Europe.

Wil Bailey

Wil Bailey visited us November 15th-17th, and shared meals and spoke in multiple church services about the Costa Rica Missions Project. Based in San Isidro, Costa Rica, Wil communicated God's message in both English and Spanish. It was a busy Sunday for Wil, and he spoke at both traditional services, preached at FaithLink, then at the Palabra Viva service that evening, demonstrating that God hears all our voices.

Stefania & Vicki

Bucharest has many attractions, one of which is the Muzeul National al Satului "Dimitrie Gusti." This outdoor museum includes more than 300 buildings representing the history of Romania's rural architecture. Stefania and I enjoyed this tour on a beautiful fall day which also just so happened to be Halloween. 

Getting a personal tour from Stefania at Bucharest Christian Academy was such a blessing!

Where global missions serves